Card deck: Animal Kin Oracle by Sarah Wilder
This Weeks Message:
as channeled by Tru-Knowing Holistics
Time to look within, to 'lay bare', to stop hiding from old protective behaviors that no longer serve.
We are shown that this week is a prime time to 'take a look', 'peek inside to where our old habits and patterns hibernate' .
Bear represents protection, and in it's reversed position, invites us to look at where we 'bear' false protection against ourselves and perhaps others.
Bear's sense of smell & ability to 'sniff out the truth' is exceptional, and can be of great benefit to help us search out, and 'lay bare' the patterns of behaviors' that grew out of the need to be safe, to be protected, to feel secure.
We all know what behaviors or reactions we have that no longer serve us, that frustrate or annoy us, that seem to impair our ability to move forward into what we say we want.
Know that these repetitive behaviors, thoughts or reactions represent the response you had to situations occurring in your life or psyche, and that while they once represented the best solution available to you at the time, perhaps now they no longer resonate to who you are becoming.
Bear is by our side to offer Courageous Exploration, and it's authentic protection as One Who Knows Our Truth.
Bear resonates to the deep Core Essence of Who We Be, and shares its strength with us as we sit with ourselves, and the intention to 'look anew' at these old patterns with compassion rather than condemnation.
Life is a constant state of evolution and Bear is one of the great adapters - Let Bear Medicine assist you in expanding your awareness and understanding of the how's and why's that exist within the behaviors you wish to examine.
Bear 'bear's witness' to your willingness to explore more deeply and as you make room to 'witness' that which has up til now has been unexamined reaction, you make space for 'new growth', for 'new insight's' and wisdoms.
As a Great Navigator of the Deep Sleep of Winter, Bear is able to travel across the dimensions, an ability you too share during your dream times, and assists you in arriving at the places and spaces within that carry the Insights, Wisdoms, New perspectives and outlooks that are ready and waiting for the Gift of Your Attention and Intention.
While hibernating, Bear also shows us how to shed the weight or 'burdens to bear' of false expectations, and is able to empower you to do the same, whether those projections be from yourself or others.
During this time, Bear Medicine is finely tuned to the stirrings of Spring, to the subtle energies that begin to flow long before Springs's physical presence is felt.
Let Bear Medicine assist you in connecting with the seed thoughts, intentions and possibilities that are beginning to stir in awareness within, wanting you attention to continue the inevitable process of Growing into Your Glow, Growing into your Know, Growing Into Who You Came Here to Be.
and Blessed Be!