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Summer Soulstice 2021

Tru-Knowing Holistics presents a Guided Journey to your Summer 'Soul'stice.

This Audio presentation is a Journey to the Inner Planes, where you will meet with Your Soul, through the Guiding Presence of the Power Animal for Summer 2021 - the Bee.

This short yet powerful Journey, allows you to receive the Wisdoms, Witt, and Wonders that your Soul wishes to share with you, to empower you in moving through the Summer 'Soul'stice, a time where the Light is strong, bright and illuminating.

We are about to embark on 'new times', shifting to 'new normal's'.

It is a time where 'Bee-In' aware of what you desire to experience in life, and what you wish to create from now on in is so important, as is deciding Who You wish to' Bee' as we evolve forward.

Bee asks: Are you doing all you can to make your life fertile?

Will you work with the longest day of the year, to bring light and illumination to what wishes to be created in the next six months?

Do you wish to align with the energies of Productivity, Fulfilling Endeavors and the Ability to enjoy the Sweetness of life?

Are you ready to receive the support and readiness to work, that is needed for projects that wish to come forth, Ideas and inspirations whose time have come?

Are you ready to 'bee' come involved in Cooperative and Life Affirming Ventures, in which everyone can benefit?

If this calls to you, if it awakens the desire to 'Bee' More of Who you Be, if it triggers your curiosity 'Bee'cause you want to know more----contact Tru-Knowing Holistics on our contact me page, or on message on Facebook @Tru-KnowingHolistics .

Investment: $22.11 by E transfer

Details of transfer and LINK to presentation provided on request.



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