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The Magic of Solstice

Solstice – an Energetically Potent and Active Time.

An Opportunity to Rest in the Silence, The Recharge, and the Depths of the Longest Night

May you Hear the Whispers of Wisdom contained within this Night,

and May it help Birth You Into the Next Evolution of Who You Be, and Who You Be Becoming

May You Align to the Invitation and Opportunities that this Solstice Initiates and Offers.

May You Attune to the Deep Knowing Within Your Bones –

that Knows Your Worth, Your Truth, and Your Soul’s Desires.

May You Rest in the Energies that come forth as the Solstice;

for Release, Regeneration, and Renewal

May You Acknowledge and Receive in deeply meaningful ways

the Myriad streams of Support, Enlightenment and Caring that stream from across all realms and dimensions during this time.

May You Recognize the Seeds of Attunement Within,

that lead you to the next steps, insights and actions

that bring forth the Gift You Be to Yourself and to this World.

May you Be in Resonance to the Highest Vibrations Possible for You and Yours.

May you Be Free to Release all ‘old’ relationships,

including the ones you’ve had with yourself that no longer ‘reflect’

this evolution into Higher Vibration.

May the Energies of Release and Compassionate Understanding dissolve all old chains,

bonds of obligation, contracts, and previous vows engendered by these ‘old’ relationships

that are now outdated and no longer viable.

May the Energies of Solstice, take you into the depths and richness of the Night,

allowing you to ‘see’ the Wisdom Gifts offered through all old relationships ,

most especially those that still exist or are embedded within your Being,

endlessly regenerating old, outmoded beliefs and reflections.

May you Invite and Invoke the Potency of this Solstice and the Visions from these Wisdom Gifts

to Free yourself and all who were once involved with you of these old patterns and beliefs.

May you See this release occur with Gratitude for Wisdom’s gained,

Gratitude for these old energies being Gifted Back to the Allness for the benefit of All

and the transformation of injury into Insight.

May you feel the Freedom this brings to your Being.

May you feel how this Freedom comes forth in Light, Love, Ease and Grace.

May you know the Deepest Longest Night leads you to the Birth of the Return of the Longest day,

six months hence.

And finally Dear Ones:

I gift you with the Power Word that has come forth to Guide Our Way over these next six months:


May you Awaken to the Gifts of Illumination.

May you Rest in the Resonance and Truth of this Word

May you Receive its Radiation and Potency.

May all within you that resists this Light, be encompassed, and included within it.

May you see the Light you Be

May the World see the Light You Be

May you be Illumined, and May you Illuminate.


So May It Be, As it has always been, and will always Be.

And So It Is.

Artwork: Silent Night Barn Owl

Dr Jeremy Paul



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